24… The Start of the Mid-20s Life

24... The Start of the Mid-20s Life

Here we are around the sun again. 24… I was talking with a friend and we were wondering if 24 is officially mid-20s. There’s a lot of debate, but the general consensus is that ~24-26 is considered “mid-20s.” So here I am in my full mid-20s glory haha. Does anyone else ever take a step back from life and think about how far they’ve come? 🙋‍♀️That’s how I feel right now thinking about how I’m already in my “mid-20s.” I still feel like I’m 12 LOL.

I feel like now that I’m getting older (and a little bit wiser😉), I have this need to “get my life together.” There’s this certain type of mindset and pressure that comes with being at this age where we need to start preparing for the future and things like that. I don’t know about you, but for me, that just sparks an overwhelming feeling… and we don’t like that 🙃.

One thing I would like to work on is enjoying this season that I’m in right now. Again, I don’t want to be in this state of being overwhelmed with figuring out my life right now, so I want to make sure I use positive talk and have grace for myself. I need to embrace all the challenges that come my way instead of backing out of them. There are times when I feel like I didn’t choose the “right” career field. But, that thought (at least for me) is rooted in insecurity and feeling incompetent. With that said, I need to change my mindset and understand that I am learning some new things and it’s okay to not get the material right away!

On a lighter note, I just want to recap how my day went! I was on a FaceTime call with a friend the other day and we ended up staying up to wait for 12:00 AM. Then she said “happy birthday” and then we hung up shortly afterward haha. Then later, before going to school, I got my Starbucks drink 😊 I went to class and got a nice little surprise from some of my classmates!!! 💕 that was so sweet! Then I did a mental health consultation presentation… it went well, so that was good! It was a super chill day.



Here are some birthday posts I have from throughout the years! 22nd birthday here. 23rd birthday here.

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  1. […] 24… The Start of the Mid-20s Life Love Letters to Send to Yourself This Valentine’s Day […]

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